
PT. Iin Era Sejahtera actively recruit skilled manpower to work in various project locally and internationally. The construction industry nowdays is growing tremendously and construction industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly advancing sectors in many parts of any region, especially in Middle East and South East Asia. Firms all over the world are modernizing, applying new technologies and employing more personnel than ever before. FFM has a large database of Construction workers whom we recruit through various construction projects in Indonesia and many of them have experience working in construction project in overseas. FFM provides the qualified Indonesian engineer with construction jobs and workers both at national as well as international level. To fill in these requirements, there is a considerable increase in the need of a talented workforce with high degree of specialization and industry experience. We, FFM as Indonesian recruitment agency and Human Resource Consultants act a trustworthy referral agent and enable the recruiters globally have an access to the best candidate for the vacancy. FFM has sent thousands of workers for construction project in Algeria, North Africa, Middle East, Malaysia and another country south east Asia. We are actively try our best effort to serve our client, and able to service our client to the best of their saticfaction.

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